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Tierra y Vida is a non-profit Nicaraguan civil society organization. For thirty years, we have been dedicated to the sustainable and organizational development of the rural communities of the Carazo department.

For that we have a motivated, dynamic and experienced team, as well as the volunteer work of national and international youth.

When Francisco Irañeta ("Panchito") founder of Tierra y Vida began working with alternative agriculture in 1989, the whole idea of ​​a green life was unknown to the majority of the population. Now - partly thanks to the commitment of Earth and Life - the situation has changed, and we can say that we have a large network of supporters and supporters.

Without question, our  objectives guide our actions...


La Asociación Tierra y Vida accompanies  organizations and vulnerable families, with an emphasis on youth and women, in the adoption of agroecological practices in their sustainable livelihoods and the local trade of healthy products.


La Asociación Tierra  y Vida  is a leading organization in the department of Carazo, being a reference for its impact on socioeconomic development, through the promotion of agroecology and sustainable practices for the improvement livelihoods.

Institutional objectives

Contribute within the framework of an agriculture in harmony with the environment, that men and women (youth and adults) of rural families of the municipalities of Santa Teresa and La Conquista, productively rehabilitate their farm systems, favoring the economic growth of groups and peasant organizations and influencing their alternatives to the Municipal Development Plan.

Encourage the participation and recognition of women and young people in the social, productive and organizational dynamics, at the community and municipal level.

Contribute to transform the political culture of the population and its leaders, in such a way that their self-esteem is raised, they recognize their strengths and potentials, appropriating their own development, demanding their rights as citizens to influence the decisions of the municipality and audit investments that the municipal government performs.

Strengthen community organization through the establishment of communication and linking mechanisms between territorial directives, community leaders of various types and citizens, with contribution to the construction and exercise of citizenship and community and municipal development

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